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Flower Care Tips

Flowers by nature that do not last very long, not least once they have actually been picked over the plant on which they grew. Even the largest and most impressive flower arrangement will end up with the flowers incorporated in it and it will be discarded after being thrown into the trash. We are all aware of this fact and take it into account when we use bouquets for the variety of roles intended for them in daily life and at holidays and special occasions.

However much can be done to preserve flowers and allow us to continue to enjoy them for as long as possible. The following paragraphs will describe some flower care tips that may extend the life of the bouquet you received and put them in a vase full of water several times over.
In order to allow optimal flower care it is necessary to place them in a suitable location. Such a place should be well lit but protected from direct sunlight, away from any heat source (such as a stove or air conditioner) and also protected from strong airflow. All this in order to prevent accelerated water evaporation which will cause rapid drying of the flowers.

Among the flower care tips are some that are the most basic.
First, remove leaves, film residue, cellophane wrap, etc. over the area dipped in the water of the vase.
The vase itself should be high so as to provide adequate support and remove load over the flower stalks.
It is advisable to prune the height of the flower stalks in the bouquet according to the height of the vase.
It is easier to keep flowers fresh for a long time if you cut off the height of unnecessary stems.
The pruning should be done diagonally so that we create a wider contact area between the water and the lower end of the flower stem.
Flower care tips continue with guidelines regarding bouquet care after it has been properly placed in a vase and placed in a suitable place. All that is left now to keep the flowers is to change the water in the vase once every two days, on this occasion the diagonal cut at the bottom of the stems can be renewed. There are also slightly more complex flower care tips such as adding a little bleach (no more than one tablespoon per gallon of water) to a vase water. The chlorine in bleach prevents the development of bacteria in the water and helps keep flowers from rotting.

Flower care tips are simple to follow and will help you keep flowers that you have received or bought so that you can enjoy them for as long as possible.
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